Comic Con @ the Montclair Public Library

SO - this happened, last month, on June 27th. Been so busy have not had time to post anything. The Montclair Public Library (in Montclair, New Jersey) hosted a great mini-con, for kids! Perfect for me, as the HERO MACHINE is for kids, and let's face facts - comics started as a medium for kids.
Anyway, big shout out to the staff at the library, everyone who put it together, Jeff over at EastSideMags, and LETS DO IT AGAIN!!!!
Here I am giving my SUPERHERO-CREATING PRESENTATION: showing a bunch of eager artists how the Hero Machine works. And boy does it work - even the kids who sat down to draw Ninja Turtles changed their minds when the gears started spinning.

THEY ALL STARTED DRAWING. And then everyone wanted to spin the gears. And then draw some more. It was a huge success. Not sure if I sold a ton of comics but I am so happy with the educational aspect of my HERO MACHINE books.
